Tuesday, 1 April 2008


Hello, and welcome to my new blog.

Here are two of my best drawings so far. I haven't been doing drawings for very long because after I finished Art in Year 9 at school, I thought I would never be interested in doing it again.

This alien drawing was done in December last year, and I had my dad give me pointers on how to draw teeth properly. This picture was the very first one that I drew without it having a cartoon feel to it, once I finished this picture I was so relieved that it turned out okay.

The idea for the vampire drawing occurred whilst I was listening to Vampire Heart by H.I.M. This idea just popped into my head and I started drawing, the hardest part on this drawing was drawing out the eye. Originally the idea was to have a heart in the pupil of the eye, but whilst drawing the outline for the heart it turned into an outline of a face, so I decided to draw a duck. I am not sure why I thought about it being a duck, maybe I thought of Count Duckula?! lol, but I think it turned out pretty good though.


Jo said...

Well done Laura xxxxxxxx
welcome to blogland.
Don't forget to send a link to your blog to your friends so they can see your work too ;)

Julie Allain said...

Laura these are great drawings, I used to love drawing - mainly faces... keep up the good work...I'll add your blog to mine xx

Angelswings_2 said...

Stunning drawings.... welcome to the blog land ;-)

Sue Shaw said...

You must have inherited your Mum's creative side!! Great blog header - she's got some competition now!
Keep up the good work and the blogging!
Sue. x

Rosie said...

Cool Laura... if slightly scary!! You don't do cute either then! WTG!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Brill drawings Laura

Laura said...

Hiya everyone,

Thanks for the comments about my pictures, I really appreciate it.

It's nice to know what people think about all my drawings, and to know that I have my mom's creative side means alot to me. Eventually I'll be as good as she is doing the headers and things :).

Thanks again.