Tuesday, 8 April 2008

New Drawing... :)

I'm back with a new drawing, I decided that I would do something sweeter than an alien or vampire with evil ducky in her eye lol. Last Sunday I decided to be nice to my mommy and tidy my room, I did under the bed and found out my BRATZ™ Top Trump cards from about 4 years ago. I was looking through them after I done my room and decided that I wanted to draw one because last time I tried to they come out slightly weird lol it was more like a distorted BRATZ doll than anything. So here's the stages and product of my version of a BRATZ™ doll. I do not own BRATZ™ or anything related to it, I was just looking at the little card to draw off :). You will find a link to the BRATZ website on my link section :).

Thanks for looking :).

Laura, xx.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008


Hello, and welcome to my new blog.

Here are two of my best drawings so far. I haven't been doing drawings for very long because after I finished Art in Year 9 at school, I thought I would never be interested in doing it again.

This alien drawing was done in December last year, and I had my dad give me pointers on how to draw teeth properly. This picture was the very first one that I drew without it having a cartoon feel to it, once I finished this picture I was so relieved that it turned out okay.

The idea for the vampire drawing occurred whilst I was listening to Vampire Heart by H.I.M. This idea just popped into my head and I started drawing, the hardest part on this drawing was drawing out the eye. Originally the idea was to have a heart in the pupil of the eye, but whilst drawing the outline for the heart it turned into an outline of a face, so I decided to draw a duck. I am not sure why I thought about it being a duck, maybe I thought of Count Duckula?! lol, but I think it turned out pretty good though.